
Call for Peace


بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم

In the Name of Allah,

the Most Gracious, and the Most Merciful

Performance of Salat


Brothers and Sisters!

Assalam o Alleyykum

[Peace be Upon You]

Conclusion is the ‘Crux’ of the subject matter.

Brothers and Sisters! In short performance of Salat and Iqamat as Salat provides everything what mankind needs in his life i.e. life in this world and life hereafter both materially and spiritually.

Brothers and Sisters! Let us look at what he requires in Worldly Life.

  • He wants to remain healthy so that he can learn and make use of his faculties in order to search for the Bounties of Allah which consist of:
  • Food
  • Clothing, and
  • Shelter

  • Looking after others


  • research of universe
  • learning and teaching  

Brothers and Sisters! Now let us look at one’s daily routine. More or less everybody’s daily routine is:


Brothers and Sisters! When one wakes up in the morning and bids farewell to bed the first thing he does is to go in the washroom, releases his nature, cleans his teeth, takes bath or washes his hands and face.

Change of Clothes

Brothers and Sisters! As he has to go in search of Bounties of Allah so he bids farewell to night clothes and wears clean clothes as these add to his freshness of mind.


Brothers and Sisters! As he had been sleeping all night and food he ate has been digested and released so he is hungry. So he has his breakfast . In other words as he did not eat anything since he went to bed so, in a way, he was fasting, so he breaks his fast.

Search for Bounties of Allah

Brothers and Sisters! He goes out in search of Bounties of Allah i.e. school, college, university, factory, office and woman of the house remains in the house to administer the household affairs.


Brothers and Sisters! After sometime searching for the Bounties of Allah he gets tired both physically and mentally. So he takes rest, relaxes and has his lunch In every organization there is a break for lunch for one hour. This break is to revive the freshness of mind to make use of faculties.

Afternoon Tea

Brothers and Sisters! Although at lunch time one is refreshed but as he has been working since morning so he gets tired within couple of hours. So there is break for afternoon tea .

Back Home

Brothers and Sisters! After tea time working for couple of hours one gets exhausted

and then he leaves for home.

Social Environments

Brothers and Sisters! When he gets back home, he relaxes for some time, gets up washes his face or takes a shower depending upon the season i.e. if it is summer time. Then he sits with his family converses, exchanges views.


Brothers and Sisters! By this time night has fallen so it is time to go to bed to start the life circle the following day. So he has his dinner with family and after some time goes to bed.


Brothers and Sisters! Night is for rest. When the mind sleeps it does have to do any work i.e. thinking, studying, analyzing so it relaxes and as body is also not working so the tiredness evaporates from his body and in the morning after taking bath he refreshes both physically and mentally.


Brothers and Sisters! As above is the normal routine for everybody though the set up can be different which is dependent upon the profession one is in.


Brothers and Sisters! Now let us look what Performance of Salat and Iqamat as Salat are offering.

Performance of Salat

Brothers and Sisters! The performance of Salat five times a day is dependent upon the degrees of the sun.

Fajar        Morning

Zohar        After Mid – Day

Asr        Afternoon

Magrib    Evening

Esha        Night

Brothers and Sisters! You can see the timings of Salat five times a day correspond with the daily routine of everybody. In ones daily life after having lunch, afternoon tea and dinner one need to relax. So if he performs Salat after relaxing and having lunch, afternoon tea and dinner he becomes spiritually active and closer to Allah where he will be showered with Blessings of Allah while performing Iqamat as Salat.

Iqamat as Salat

Brothers and Sisters!

Iqamat as Salat, in fact, is search for the

Bounties of Allah.


Brothers and Sisters! In short, Qur’an is Book of Guidance to expend day to day life. So when a Muslim follows the guidance of the Qur’an that is Word of Allah then he is following the Command of Allah which is Iqamat as Salat .


Brothers and Sisters! The ‘crux’ of the conclusion is that the object of mankind is that he submits to Allah every moment of his life and the mean to submit to Allah is to perform Salat and Iqamat as Salat.

Brothers and Sisters! Question may arise in mind that if the sole object of creation of mankind is to perform Salat and Iqamat as Salat then what about other types of Ibadaahs?

  • Soam

  • Zakat

  • Hajj

Brothers and Sisters! Soam, Zakat and Hajj are not independent Ibadaahs. These are part of Iqamat as Salat. There is no ruling in Qur’an and Hadith that:

  • if one pays Zakat he does not have to perform Salat or keep fast or perform Hajj

  • if one keeps fasts he does not have to perform Salat or pay Zakat or perform Hajj

  • if one performs Hajj he does not have to perform Salat, pay Zakat or keep fasts

    Brothers and Sisters! In fact the Ibadaahs: Soam, Zakat and Hajj are incomplete if one does not perform Salat five times a day.

Brothers and Sisters! It may be that every Muslim does not pay Zakat or keep fast or perform Hajj. Why? Because there are certain provisos which are to be met before one become eligible to pay Zakat, keep Fast and perform Hajj.


Brothers and Sisters! Zakat is only payable if one’s wealth exceeds an amount set by the Sharia and he held this amount for one year.

Brothers and Sisters! So if the wealth of a Muslim does not exceed the limit set by the Sharia he will not be eligible to pay Zakat. Anbiyya e Karam did not pay mandatory Zakat. It is not that they were exempt. They did not keep their wealth in store. They would donate any excess of wealth over their personal requirements to the people in need.

Brothers and Sisters! Similarly the Muslims who will not save their wealth for one year they will not become eligible to pay Zakat. For example: a Muslim has saved his wealth just short of one day in one year and he expends it for the sake of Allah, he will not become eligible to pay Zakat.

Brothers and Sisters! Question may emerge in mind that people who do not become eligible to pay Zakat, are they not deprived of the rewards which they would have earned had they paid Zakat?

Brothers and Sisters! It has been mentioned that Zakat is not independent Ibadaah. In fact the Essential of Zakat is part of Iqamat As Salat where the object is to inspire heart and mind to expend for other people for the sake of Allah out of his heard earned money.

Brothers and Sisters! It is natural phenomenon that one does not want to depart from his hard earned money. The Essential of Zakat inspires to be generous. Under the light of Qur’an and Hadith it is a form of Zakat to expend for the well being of family: wife and children.

Brothers and Sisters! So no one is deprived of the rewards of Zakat even if he does not become eligible to pay mandatory Zakat set by the Sharia.


Brothers and Sisters! A Muslim is under obligation to fast in month of Ramadan provided he is in good health. If he is sick and dependent upon medicine or otherwise where his health will be in danger, then he is not under obligation to keep fast for month of Ramadan. However, if he is well off then he should sponsor a Muslim who does not have the resources to keep fast.

Brothers and Sisters! Again the question may emerge in mind that the one who cannot keep fast for the month of Ramadan is deprived of the rewards?

Brothers and Sisters! Soam means to be patient. Patient in the sense, that from dawn to sunset he has to become patient, as he is not allowed to eat and drink.

Brothers and Sisters!

Patience is required to perform

Salat and Iqamat as Salat.

Brothers and Sisters! Mankind has been sent in this world for test . Naffas and Shaitan inspire him not to follow the Guidance of Allah and Teachings of Anbiyya e Karam. So unless and until one controls his Naffas i.e. to be patient in fulfilling his wish or desire he cannot perform Salat and Iqamat as Salat.

Brothers and Sisters! There are innumerable situations where one is on the verge of being digressed. But if he has learned to be patient then he can overcome the inspiration of Naffas and Shaitan and this will get him closer to Allah which is the object of his life.


Brothers and Sisters! A Muslim in under obligation to perform Hajj once in life time provided he has certain amount of wealth set by the Sharia. Apart from the fact that it is mandatory requirement of Sharia, one of the rewards is that the one who performs Hajj with sincerity of his heart for the sake of Allah, his all sins are forgiven and he becomes like a new born baby.

Brothers and Sisters! The question will emerge in mind that the Muslims who do not have enough wealth to go for Hajj at Makkah in Saudi Arabia, are they not deprived of having their sins forgiven so that they can become like a new born baby?

Brothers and Sisters! There is context of Hadith that when a Muslim performs Salat five times day with sincerity of his heart and mind, should he knowingly or knowingly have committed sins and he repents and beg forgiveness of Allah then Allah forgives his sins with His Grace.

Brothers and Sisters! In short, if a Muslim performs Salat and Iqamat as Salat then after the performance of every Salat, if his sins are forgiven then he is always like a new born baby i.e., there are no sins left on his slate.


Brothers and Sisters! The ‘crux’ of the analysis of performance of Salat and Iqamat as Salat is that one can become:

  • generous

  • patient

  • like a newborn baby

provided he keeps getting closer to Allah which will lead to live in Paradise forever where he will enjoy the Bounties of Allah which no eye has seen, no ear has heard and no mind can imagine.

May Allah be with You


[May Allah Bless You]

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