As Salat Builds Morals

Call for Peace


بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم

In the Name of Allah,

the Most Gracious, and the Most Merciful

Iqamat as Salat



Brothers and Sisters!

Assalam o Alleyykum

[Peace be Upon You]

Iqamat as Salat means to expend one’s daily life as per the Guidance of Allah and Teachings of Anbiyya e Karam (Prophets)

Brothers and Sisters! If we make further analysis of the Essentials of Salat and timing of performance of Salat we shall see that there is guidance in every sphere of day to day life. Let us try to find this guidance.

Protection of Eman

Brothers and Sisters! Eman means to believe in Allah, Angels, Books of Allah, Anbiyya e Karam, Day of Judgment, Taqdeer (Fate).

Brothers and Sisters! These are the Essentials of Eman which can lead you to pass the test mankind has been sent in this world. So when a Muslim performs Salat five times a day he keeps reviving his Eman.

Brothers and Sisters!

So performance of Salat protects

Eman of Muslims.

Cleanliness and Piousness

Brothers and Sisters! One of the requisites of performance of Salat is to make Wadu (Ablution). Wadu requires a Muslim to wash his hands, rinse his mouth, clean his nostrils, wash his face; arms up to elbow anoint head, ears and neck, and wash feet. Brothers and Sisters! These are the body parts which are exposed while expending day to day life so these ought to be cleansed before exclusive presence of Allah i.e. to perform Salat.

Brothers and Sisters! Before making Wadu Muslim is also required to release his nature should he had urge to do so because when making representation to Allah these should not lure one’s mind.

Brothers and Sisters! If a Muslim had met his wife or had wet dream then he must take bath so that the effect of sperms which emerge in every part of the body is washed away.

Brothers and Sisters! You see performance of Salat teaches you to clean your body where you body is relaxed and mind gets fresh and you will be able to make use of your faculties amicably. Moreover, it is hygienically good for health.

Discipline of Time

Brothers and Sisters! The ‘five times’ a day Salat is encircled around different times of day and night:

        Fajar        From ‘Dawn’ to before the ‘sunrise

        Zohar        From mid – day until 2/3 of the day

Asr    From 2/3 of the day till evening i.e. 15 minutes before the sunset

Magrib    Soon after Sunset (in case of genuine constraint the time allowed is one hour from sunset.

Esha    From beginning time of night till midnight.

Brothers and Sisters! One’s day to day life revolves around the above times. A Muslim is under obligation to perform Salat five times a day. There is no exemption. The timing of Salat five times a day helps him to organize his life where he can plan: getting up in the morning, refreshing himself by taking bath or doing Wadu, having breakfast, going to education centre or in the search of Bounties of Allah, administering household affairs, having lunch, sports activities, listening to news etc. etc. etc.

Brothers and Sisters! In short, the performance of Salat five times a day helps to plan one’s day to day life in organized manner.

Solution to the Problem

Brothers and Sisters! In one’s day to day life one comes across various issues which he cannot handle so he needs guidance.

Brothers and Sisters! When a Muslim offers his Salat he is in the exclusive presence of Allah where he can make Dua’a i.e. make representations to Allah to guide him how to solve the problem. Allah’s guidance comes in the form of thoughts emerging in mind or to consult someone who deals with such issues.

Salvation and Absolution

Brothers and Sisters! Mankind has been sent in this world for a test where he is bound to get influenced by Naffas and Shaitan. In other words he may become disobedient to Allah which is tantamount to committing a sin.

Brothers and Sisters! As per narrations only pure souls will enter Paradise. So when one gets influenced by Naffas and Shaitan he must repent and beg forgiveness of Allah.

Brothers and Sisters! When Muslim is in the exclusive presence of Allah i.e. performing Salat he can repent and beg forgiveness of Allah with humility. Brothers and Sisters! So you see that performance of Salat helps to repent and beg forgiveness of Allah and should he be forgiven then his slate in clean.

Performance of Duties and Responsibilities

Brothers and Sisters! If we look with an Eagle Eye we will see that the object of one’s creation is for other fellow being. For example: A physician secures education to deal with health issues. So in fact he uses his faculties to cure the health problems of other people.

Brothers and Sisters! The performance of duties and responsibilities is another name of Iqamat as Salat.

Brothers and Sisters! As a Muslim is duty bound to discharge his duty to Allah i.e. perform Salat, this teaches him to be service to other people.

Gratefulness to Allah

Brothers and Sisters! In fact every human being is a soul. But he is given a body , in other words a ‘Tool Box’ to perform Salat and Iqamat as Salat for which he has to be grateful to Allah. Tool box consists of:

  • head

  • face

  • mouth

  • lips

  • tongue
  • ears
  • eyes
  • nose
  • hands,
  • arms,
  • fingers,
  • legs,

  • feet
  • etc

Brothers and Sisters! If we look at the structure of the body we will see it is skeleton of bones and each bone enjoined by a link to another bone where one can move his body parts freely at any angle e.g. walking, running , playing and dancing etc.

Brothers and Sisters! Because of the links, as one can move freely, so he ought to be grateful to Allah for every link.

Brothers and Sisters! When a Muslim is performing Salat he is standing, bending, prostrating and sitting where every link of his body is helping the body to revolve.

Brothers and Sisters! So when a Muslim is performing Salat he is showing his servitude to Allah that how much he is grateful to him for providing every link where he is free to move i.e. perform Salat and honour his duties and responsibilities.

Da’wah of Islam

Brothers and Sisters! It is natural phenomenon that when a good is produced then the people are invited to make use of the goods so that they can enjoy its fruits.

Brothers and Sisters! Deen e Islam is a Way of Life which leads to Paradise where one has to live forever and enjoy the Bounties of Allah.

Brothers and Sisters! Performance of Salat is such an Essential of Islam which is very light but very heavy in inviting people towards Deen e Islam.


Brothers and Sisters! Consider the following:

  • When the time for Salat is due or Muslim hears Az’aan he reminds himself that the time for the exclusive presence before Allah is due.

  • He gets up to go to Masjid and tells the family that he is going to Masjid to offer Salat. This is invitation to his family to offer Salat .

  • When he goes through the roads towards Masjid people look at him and realize that he is going to offer Salat.

    Brothers and Sisters! So you see that the Muslim did not have to invite specifically to offer Salat. Simply his movement towards Masjid and telling his family that he is going to Masjid is invitation to offer Salat. In other words he was in the process of Iqamat as Salat.

Building Morals

Brothers and Sisters! Morality is the ‘Key’ factor to be successful in the test the mankind has been sent in this world.

Brothers and Sisters! The base of Morality is ‘honesty’and ‘integrity’. Honesty and integrity lies in business dealings, searching Bounties of Allah, helping each other, making use of one’s faculties for others for the sake of Allah .

Brothers and Sisters! The performance of Salat helps to be honest and integrate because one who is in the exclusive presence of Allah five times a day and making representations to him, repenting and begging forgiveness, then he is bound to be honest and integrate.


Brothers and Sisters! Conclusion boils down to is is that performance of Salat and Iqamat as Salat are the elements which keep a Muslim in state of Salat i.e. submission to Allah every moment of his life and this is why mankind has been created which is revealed in the Qur’an:

Translation Surah Adh Dhariyat Ayat no. 56

بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم

And I (Allah) created not the Jinn and mankind

except that they should submit to Me (Alone)

Brothers and Sisters! Do you not think that you should be in state of Salat every moment of your life to earn a place in Paradise forever where you will enjoy the Bounties of Allah which no eye has seen, no ear has heard and no mind can imagine?

May Allah be with You


[May Allah Bless You]

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