Performance of Salat

Call for Peace


بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم

In the Name of Allah,

the Most Gracious, and the Most Merciful



As Salat

Brothers and Sisters!

Assalam o Alleyykum

[Peace be Upon You]

Performance of Salat is

exclusive presence before Allah.

Brothers and Sisters! The question may emerge in mind that while performing Iqamat as Salat one is in the presence of Allah then why there has to be exclusive presence before Allah?

Brothers and Sisters! Let us try to understand this aspect by worldly example.

  • An employer gives an assignment to his employee to do and also gives him instructions how to do it and also advises him to make use of company Manuel . He also asked him that when assignment is finished then he should come and report to him so that he could see if the assignment is in order.
  • Now if the assignment is as per the instructions of the employer and company Manuel then the assignment will be accepted and the employee will be rewarded i.e. he got closer to his employer. But if the assignment is not as per the instruction of employer then the assignment will not be accepted and the employee will not be rewarded and he may be fired.


Brothers and Sisters!

Every Muslim is required to perform

Salat five times a day.

Brothers and Sisters! In short, the object of Iqamat as Salat is to do good deeds and refrain from bad deeds. If the day to day life is as per the Guidance of Allah and Teachings of Anbiyya e Karam (Prophets) then it is a good deed and if it is not then it is bad deed.

Brothers and Sisters! The day starts at Fajar time i.e. in the morning . At Zohar time i.e. in the afternoon , when one comes to the exclusive presence of Allah then he presents his deeds from Fajar time till Zohar time with a view if his life has been expended as per the Guidance of Allah and Teachings of Anbiyya e Karam i.e. if he has been in the state of Salat i.e. Iqamat as Salat.

Brothers and Sisters! The sign that he has been in the state of Salat is that after the performance of Salat he will feel Serenity in heart and Peacein mind after he has presented his deed in the exclusive presence of Allah.

Brothers and Sisters! Similarly, At Asr time he presents his deeds from Zohar to Asr and thereafter Asr to Magrib and Magrib to Esha Salat. After Esha Salat one goes to sleep. While sleeping he is also in state of Salat because his mind and body need to be relaxed so that he starts his next day with fresh mind.


Brothers and Sisters! There is integral interconnection between Iqamat as Salat and performance of Salat.


Brothers and Sisters! Let us try to understand it by a worldly example:

Brothers and Sisters!

  • An employee comes to the factory but does not log in his time card in clock but works all day.

  • Although he has worked all day but according to the Presence Register he is absent so he is not eligible for his wages.

    Brothers and Sisters! Therefore, to get closer to Allah one has to fulfill both parts of As Salat i.e. Iqamat as Salat and performance of Salat.

Brothers and Sisters! Performance of Salat is vital as it helps to discipline day to day life in every respect. To learn about how performance of Salat helps to discipline life please read article on link: No 3 As Salat Disciplines Life.

May Allah be with You


[May Allah Bless You]

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