
Call for Peace


بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم

In the Name of Allah,

the Most Gracious, and the Most Merciful

Performance of Salat


Brothers and Sisters!

Assalam o Alleyykum

[Peace be Upon You]

Masjid is place where Salat can be performed individually or collectively.

Brothers and Sisters! Hazrat Mohammed (SAW) is Khatim ul Anbiyya. It is exclusive Blessing of Allah upon Muslim Ummah that the whole earth as Masjid where Muslims can perform Salat individually or collectively while the Ummah of the earlier Prophets was required to perform Salat in building specifically made for the worship of Allah e.g. Church, Synagogue.

Brothers and Sisters! However, as Deen e Islam had been completed upon Khatim ul Anbiyya (SAW) and teachings of Islam had to be promoted all over the world until the Day of Resurrection so a centre point was required where Muslims can gather to learn about Islam, make plans to promote Islam etc.etc.

Brothers and Sisters! When Khatim ul Anbiyya (SAW) migrated to Madina from Makkah the first job He (SAW) did was to buy a piece of land and built a Masjid. This Masjid is named as Masjid e Nabvi.

Brothers and Sisters! The building of Masjid consists of:

Jamat Khana:    This is the area where Salat is performed

Library:    In this section books are kept where Muslims can read and study about Islam.    

Wadu Khana:    This is the section where Wadu (Ablution) can be made.

Washroom:    These are rooms where one can release his nature.

Brothers and Sisters! The etiquettes of Masjid are:

  • Before he enters Jamat Khana he must be pure and clean where he should go to wash room, make Wadu except if he has made use of utility rooms at home before coming to Masjid.

  • He must not talk about worldly matters one he has entered in Masjid.

  • He should continuously do Dhikr of Allah: recite Qur’an or Tasbeeh

  • When he leaves Masjid he should keep repenting and begging forgiveness of Allah

Brothers and Sisters! When one is in the environments of Masjid he feels very secure and he also feels Serenity in his heart and Peace in mind because the Blessings of Allah are showered upon it.

Brothers and Sisters! For the purpose of unity, concern , enhance respect and love and affections among the Muslims the Prophet (SAW) upon the behest of Allah has determined that Muslims should perform Salat in the Masjid unless there is a genuine reason where one cannot come to Masjid to perform Salat.


Brothers and Sisters! The object of life is to keep getting closer to Allah. The Masjid is termed as House of Allah. So when a Muslim will come in the House of Allah he will get closer to Allah more than if he does not come to House of Allah i.e. Masjid.

May Allah be with You


(May Allah Bless You]

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