
Call for Peace


بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم

In the Name of Allah,

the Most Gracious, and the Most Merciful

As Salat


Brothers and Sisters!

Assalam o Alleyykum

[Peace be Upon You]

Sincerityis the element which is of utmost importance in performance of Salat and Iqamat as Salat   that without it every Essential of Islam is useless. For example: if one does not believe in the Lone Entity of Allah but he performs Salat and Iqamat as Salat it will be of no use. Therefore, there has to be element of ‘Sincerity’ when performing Salat and Iqamat as Salat.

Brothers and Sister!

Question arises what is ‘Sincerity’?

Brothers and Sisters! The literal meaning of sincerity is:

  • free from pretence or deceit

  • the same in reality as in appearance

  • genuine, honest, frank

Brothers and Sisters! The object of performance of Salat and Iqamat as Salat is to get closer to Allah. Therefore, every faculty has to be used for the sake of Allah.

Brothers and Sisters! The concept of Sincerity can be understood by an example.

Brothers and Sisters! Mother loves her children. Her love emerges from the bottom of her heart and to protect them she can sacrifice her life.

Brothers and Sisters! Similarly, when one is before the exclusive presence of Allah then he must be humble and show his humility from the bottom of his heart and when he is in the process of Iqamat as Salat i.e. honouring his duties and responsibilities he must be offering his services with sincere intentions for the sake of Allah.

Brothers and Sisters! It is natural phenomenon that when one renders his services he wants reward for his services. So if he is rendering his services for the sake of Allah then Allah can reward him from His (SWT) unlimited treasures i.e. the reward will be that Allah will be pleased with him and he will enjoy the Bounties in Paradise forever which no eye has seen, no ear has heard and no mind can imagine.

Brothers and Sisters! However, if his intention is to render his services for his own sake then a nominal reward will be given to him in this world and there will be no reward in the life hereafter.


Brothers and Sisters! This world’s life is short. So why not perform Salat and Iqamat as Salat for the sake of Allah and be contended whatever is given to you as a token to keep your body and soul together.

May Allah be with You


[May Allah Bless You]

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