CFP Ibadaahs



Call for Peace

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, and the Most Merciful








Brothers and Sister!


Assalam o Alleyykum


Ibadaahs (Worship) are ‘Essentials’ of Way of Life i.e. Deen e Islam which regulate day to day life. The Essentials of Deen Islam are:



·       Belief in Lone Entity of Allah


·       As Salat (Prayer)


·       Zakat


·       Soam


·       Hajj


Brothers and Sisters! In this Scientific Age mind does not comprehend that how performance of Essentials can achieve anything. So it has to be dealt with by worldly example.



Brothers and Sisters! Please consider the following facts of life where everybody comes across in his day to day life:



·       Everyone is in employment. So there is a relation between employer and employee.



·       Employer gives employee instructions and a mandate to render his services.



·       Employer’s instructions are that as soon as the assignment is accomplished he should come and report to him.



·       When the assignment is presented to the employer he assesses the assignment if his instructions and mandate has been adhered to.



·       If his instructions and mandate is adhered to then it pleases him and he rewards the employee.



·       The object of employee to render services is that he will look after himself and his family.



·       Everyone has a kind heart. So when he comes across a person who is in need of resources he donates some of his earnings.



·       To keep healthy he has to give a break in his eating habits because too much consumption of food leads to health problems.



·       It is normal practice that employer arranges a gathering of all employees once a year in order to listen to their views and suggestions as to how to enhance the business activities and also to learn if they are satisfied by the policies of the management.



Brothers and Sisters! Let us look at the perspective of Deen e Islam.






Brothers and Sisters!



·       This universe is created by Allah. So Allah is the Owner of everything in the universe just like an employer is everything of his business,



·       As one has to believe that Mr A is his employer, similarly he has to believe in the Lone Entity of Allah being Creator of the Universe.





Brothers and Sisters! There are two elements in As Salat:



·       Iqamat as Salat (performance of duties and responsibilities)



·       To offer As Salat (to present assignment of duties and responsibilities to Allah



Iqamat as Salat



Brothers and Sisters! Allah has given mandate in the form of Qur’an and teachings of Anbiyya e karam (Prophets) to discharge his duties and responsibilities in day to day life. It is understandable the object of creation of mankind is to perform his duties and responsibilities which shall keep on emerging all his life just like when he is employed then he has to render his services i.e. the duties and responsibilities he has been hired by his employer.



To Offer Salat



Brothers and Sisters! To offer Salat five times a day is to present one’s deeds to the Lone Entity of Allah if those have been conducted in accordance with the Guidance of Allah and Teachings of Anbiyya e Karam.



Brothers and Sisters! If the deeds have been conducted in accordance with Guidance of Allah and Teachings of the Anbiyya e Karam then the Salat will be accepted and reward will stored which will help to secure Pleasure of Allah on the Day of Judgment and he will get a permit to live in Paradise forever.





Brothers and Sisters! In the normal sense Soam is considered that one does not have to eat from dawn to sunset in month of Ramadan. But this is not the only aspect of keeping fast.



Brothers and Sisters! The object of Soam is to learn to be patient in hard times and control himself not to be extravagant when he is showered with Bounties of Allah. In other words he has to learn to perform his duties and responsibilities in accordance with the Guidance of Allah and Teachings of the Anbiyya e Karam as there are Naffas and Shaitan to lure him to digress from the Right Path.





Brothers and Sisters! In literal sense Zakat means to pay 2 ½ per cent of once wealth once a year to the people in need to purify the wealth so that Blessings of Allah are earned.



Brothers and Sisters! There are many categories of Zakat e.g. Sadqa (donation), Hadia (to give for sake of Allah) etc.



Brothers and Sisters! The object of payment of Zakat is to develop concern for the mankind in the hearts and minds of the people so that they come to the rescue when they come across people in need.





Brothers and Sisters! In literal sense Hajj means to go to Makkah in Saudi Arabia once in life time and perform Hajj where all the sins can be forgiven and one becomes just like a new born baby.



Brothers and Sisters! In order to secure a place in Paradise one has to be without sins. Everybody is not in a position to go for Hajj. So if the Muslims who cannot go for Hajj how their sins can be forgiven?



Brothers and Sisters! It is not necessary that to have the sins forgiven one has to perform Hajj. The object of the concept of Hajj is that a Muslim can be without any sins provided he discharges his duties and responsibilities as per Guidance of Allah and Teachings of the Anbiyya e Karam and should there be any shortcoming then he can beg forgiveness from Allah and Allah being Rehman and Raheem (Merciful) will forgive his sins with His Grace.





Brothers and Sisters! The object of set up of the above website is to make the mankind realise that Ibadaah (worship) is not only to perform the Essentials of Islam but it is the practical life which if expended in accordance with Guidance of Allah and Teachings of Anbiyya e Karam is Ibadaah (worship)


Please Remember in Dua’as




Naseer Aziz


Principal Call for Peace


Messages to Look for Peace




Brothers and Sisters! Please read the Post: Sponsorship in the Navigation Bar as to why it is needed to keep conveying the Messages to Look for Peace until the Day of Resurrection and how it will be expended until the Day of Resurrection.
