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Call for Peace
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, and the Most Merciful
Brothers and Sister!
Assalam o Alleyykum
[Peace be Upon You]
As below are the definitions of ‘Politics’ as per Google dictionary:
· The art or science of government or governing, especially the governing of a political activity, such as a nation, and the administration and control of its internal and external affairs.
· Of, relating to, or dealing with the structure or affairs of government, politics or the state.
Brothers and Sisters! ‘Politics’ is defined by Muslim Scholar Imam Ghazali (RA):
· ‘Politics’ is to reform public and lead them to the ‘Right Path’ that leads to success in this world and the life hereafter.
· ‘Politics’ is the ‘Policy’ that creates love, affection, unity among the people.
Brothers and Sisters! The crux of the above definitions is that head of the state assumes the responsibility to look after the inhabitants of the state in every respect i.e.
· social welfare
· business opportunities
· job opportunities
· education to make research
· etc.
Brothers and Sisters!
· The success of political policies depends upon equal distribution of wealth.
· Head of the state is viceroy of Allah on the earth, who is Creator of mankind and this Universe. Therefore, head of the state requires a mandate from Allah for equal distribution of wealth because it is equal distribution of wealth which regulates the minds of the people in an order which creates unity, love, affection and respect for one another.
· Mandate from Allah is Books of Allah. Qur’an is comprehensive Book which deals with every aspect of life and this is why the name of Mohammed Ibne Abdullah (SAW) is on top of the list of Law Givers at Lincolns Inn in London being ‘The Greatest Law Giver’ as Non Muslim are of the opinion that Qur’an is composed by Him (SAW) and He (SAW) is not the Last Prophet where Qur’an would have revealed to Him (SAW) by Allah.
Brothers and Sisters! Irrespective of the fact that Non Muslims do not believe Mohammed Ibne Abdullah (SAW) as Prophet of Allah, however, they do admit that Qur’an is comprehensive Book in every respect.
Brothers and Sisters!
Many times in the Qur’an it is revealed:
Iqamat as Salat
[Follow Guidance of Allah in day to day Life]
Brothers and Sisters!
· In Islam in general meaning Salat means to submit to Allah five times a day and while submitting to Allah Qur’an is recited.
· Why name of Mohammed Ibne Abdullah (SAW) is on top of the list of Law Givers, being the Greatest Law Giver, because Qur’an is considered a Book of ‘Guidance’ i.e. Its teachings are to be applied in day to day life. When teachings of the Qur’an are applied this constitutes Iqamat as Salat.
· In short, it was the teachings of the Qur’an which were applied which led to discoveries of the properties of the creations of the universe because it is revealed in the Qur’an to make research of the universe:
Translation Surah An Nisa Verse no. 82
(Why) Do they not then consider the Qur’an carefully?
Translation Surah Adh Dhariyat Verse no. 20 – 21
And on the earth are signs for those who have faith with certainty. And also (signs) in your ownselves. Will you not then see?
Translation Surah Al Imran Verse no. 190
Verily, in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the alteration of night and day, there are indeed signs for men of wisdom.
Brothers and Sisters! Mankind has been sent in this world for a test. For the satisfaction of ‘Sensual Appetite’ the ‘Politics’ is not based in accordance with the mandate of the Creator which has led to unequal distribution of wealth and this in turn has led to unrest in the whole world.
Brothers and Sisters! With the Toffeeq (Help) of Allah project: Call for Peace has been set up to highlight the areas and avenues which do not correspond with the Teachings of the Qur’an and Hadith where the human mind and heart will admit that the Politics of the world is on the ‘wrong’ track and it has to be put on the Right track to achieve equal distribution of wealth which in turn will transmit ‘Serenity’ in heart and ‘Peace’ in mind which everyone is looking for.
Brothers and Sisters! No doubt you appreciate that welfare projects need to be sponsored as the founders do no have unlimited resources to fund the activities of the project.
Brothers and Sisters! To determine if you would like to sponsor project: Call for Peace please browse links:
· Financial Chronology
· Halal Means
May Allah be with You.
[May Allah Bless You]