CFP Ibadaahs



Call for Peace

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, and the Most Merciful



Halal Means


Brothers and sister!


Assalam o Alleyykum

    [Peace be Upon You]


Broadly speaking financial resources are of two types:


·             Halal (Allowed)


·             Haram (disallowed)


Brothers and Sister! Project: Call for Peace is based upon Qur’an and Hadith which constitute Message of Allah, therefore, it has to be funded by Halal sources.


Brothers and Sister! Message to be effective it has to be funded by Halal resources. The imperativeness of the Halal element can be judged that in the times of Jahiliah when Bait Ullah was dismantled and new building was to be constructed, even the Mushrekeen only expended Halal money where because of the lack of funds a piece of land, which is now called Hateem, could not be included in the building.


Brothers and Sister! Sponsorship can be on regular basis e.g. set up standing order or one off basis where funds can be transferred to bank account or cheques can be sent at the address below. The details of the bank are:


The details of Bank are:


This bank account is based in England


Account holder                          Naseer Aziz


Bank                                          Royal Bank of Scotland


Account No.                              10049718


Sort Code                                  16 29 20




Brothers and Sister! Cheques should be payable to Naseer Aziz.


Naseer Aziz

13 Richmond Walk


Manchester M26 4JN


Brothers and Sister! At present I have to use my personal account. As soon as the circumstance will warrant bank account under the name Call for Peace shall be opened.


Brothers and Sisters! Once you will browse the websites, it is believed, that you will feel that project: Call for Peace warrants sponsorship.


May Allah be with You.



[May Allah Bless You]