- Principal Naseer Aziz
- Website: Islam
- Website: Ibadaahs
- Website: Politics
- Website: Call for Peace
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- Articles
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- Introduction
- Message to Muslims
- Message to Non – Muslims
- Financial Chronology
- Halal Means
Call for Peace
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, and the Most Merciful
Brothers and Sister!
Assalam o Alleyykum
[Peace be upon You]
Technically, ‘Article’ means to write about a specific
topic taking into account the subject matter.
Brothers and Sisters! Project: Call for Peace is reflection of Deen e Islam i.e. Way of Life to be followed until
the Day of
and Sisters! Question emerges in mind that how a Way of Life which was devised when the mankind was created will conform when there will be changes with the
passage of time i.e. scientific developments, change in mentalities etc.etc.
Brothers and Sisters! Deen e Islam was given to our forefather Hazrat Adam (PBUH) and thereafter to every Prophet who was commissioned to convey Message of Allah.
Brothers and Sisters! 1400 years ago Khatim ul Anbiyya
Mohammed Ibne
Abdullah (SAW) advised the people at
the Last Sermon:
All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again and may the last ones understand my words better than those who listen to me directly. Be my witness O Allah,
that I have conveyed your message to your people.
Brothers and Sisters! The scholars have derived from the context and substance of the above Sermon that the age will change but the age has to be conformed according to the teachings of Deen e Islam and there will not be a change in Deen e Islam. In other words the current affairs have to be dealt with under the light of Qur’an and Hadith.
Brothers and Sisters! Mankind has been sent in this world for a test where to satisfy the Sensual Appetite they made changes and adaptation in Deen e Islam.
and Sisters! In
short, project Call for
Peace has embarked upon to deal with the current issues under
the light of Qur’an and Hadith where
with the Toffeeq of Allah some articles have been written and
these can be browsed under option Articles on
Brothers and Sisters! As below are the articles uploaded on the website: and a brief perspective i.e. why these had to be written:
Brothers and Sisters!
In the year 2004 labour Government under the premiership of Tony Blair was to introduce Top Up Fee of £3,000 to the university students every year which shall be
funded by Student Loans.
An article: Education was written under the light of Qur’an and Hadith. The Centre Point of the article was that if they students have to worry about raising funds then they cannot utilize their faculties at the optimum level.
Brothers and Sisters! In the year 2004 The Government of France wanted to put a ban on Hijab in State schools. With the Toffeeq of
Allah article was written on the subject of Hijab under the light of Qur’an and Hadith.
Brothers and Sisters! In the year 2008 the MP Jack Straw of the United Kingdom raised an issue to the
effect that Niqab should be banned. Alhamdu’lillah! An
article was written on the subject of Niqab under the light of Qur’an and Hadith.
Brothers and Sisters! One of my client’s sons was imprisoned. With the Toffeeq of
Allah an article was written on the subject of Imprisonment under the light of Qur’an and Hadith that Jail is a place for reformation and rehabilitation.
Brothers and Sisters! Financial interest is dominating the world economy which has led world
into Global Recession and this is why the base rate in the United Kingdom has been reduced to 0.5 per cent for the last three
years and many more years to come.
Brothers and Sisters! Alhamdu’lillah! Article was written
that why financial
is Haram (Disallowed) in Deen e Islam.
Brothers and Sisters! While preparing and auditing the accounts of one of my clients it came to light that to evade payment of tax he was understating sales, including fake purchase invoices etc. etc. To make him aware of the consequences of Black Economy with the Toffeeq of Allah
article was written on the subject matter.
Brothers and Sisters! Alhamdu’lillah! I studied to be a chartered accountant and had been in practice for more than 20 years.
Brothers and Sisters! The base of writing this article was the same client which led me to write article on the subject of Black Economy.
Brothers and Sisters! In short, as in accountancy profession record of each transaction are maintained. Similarly records of good and bad deeds are maintained by
the Angels of Allah and the Book of Deed will be opened on the Day of Judgment.
Brothers and Sisters! The system of the world is based upon Business Dealings i.e. buying and selling of goods and services
to keep the life moving along.
Brothers and Sisters! It is the Business Dealings where one can build his Moral Values as honesty and integrity is integral part of Business dealings.
and Sisters! Copies
of the articles were sent to heads of states, public authorities, and religious
Brothers and Sisters! The object of project: Call for Peace by writing articles upon current issues under the light of the Qur’an and Hadith is to make the human mind realise that the changes in ages have to be conformed with Deen e Islam and not that Deen e Islam is to be changed with the changing circumstances.
Please Remember in Dua’as
Naseer Aziz
Principal Call for Peace
Messages to Look for Peace
Brothers and Sisters! Please read the Post: Sponsorship in the Navigation Bar as to why it is
needed to keep conveying the Messages to Look for Peace until the Day
of Resurrection and how it will be expended until the Day of Resurrection.